Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Selamat Hari Guru, 23 September 2008

Atu lama baru kan masukkan tarikh yang penting ani. Sibuk sudah kan raya. hahaha...but its never too late to ucap .. Selamat Hari Guru kepada semua guru-guru SRTJ. Semoga semangat keguruan makin bertambah walaupun kraja makin banyak and STRESS..

Ani ada beberapa ucapan sempena hari guru yang dikirim melalui sms.

"There is no job more important than yours, no job anywhere else in the land. You're the keepers of the future; u hold the smallest of hands. Its true that you don't make much money and you don't get a whole lot of praise, but when one small child says 'I LOVE YOU' , you're reminded of how this job pays".

"Everyone should have a teacher like u, but so far it looks like u're one of a kind".

"Good teachers smile in trouble, gather strength from stress and grow brave by reflection and prayers".

Semoga kita akan sentiasa dirahmati oleh Allah S.W.T . Amin..

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